Rice Cake Owls

Rice Cake Owls

Time:15 min Difficulty:Easy  

Hoo wants a sweet treat? We’ve got just the tasty snack for those who are owl ears! Every bird can join in because this recipe is a real hoot.

Here’s what you need:

  • Rice cakes
  • Peanut butter (or any other nut or no-nut butter)
  • A banana
  • Blueberries
  • An apple
  • A carrot
  • Cheerios

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1: Spread peanut butter on one of your rice cakes.

Step 2: Let’s start by giving your owl some eyes! Slice the banana and place two pieces close to the top of your rice cake. Using a tiny dab of peanut butter, stick a blueberry on each banana to make your owl’s pupils.

Step 3: Cut your apple into thin wedges. Place them on your rice cake with the peel facing outwards.

Step 4: Your owl still needs a beak. Peel a carrot and cut a thin slice. Divide that slice into 4 quarters. Place one of those quarters just below the owl’s eyes.

Step 5: Finish off your owl by adding the cheerio feathers!

That’s it— your im-peck-able owl treats are ready to eat! Bon appétit!

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