Rainbow Rock Snail

Rainbow Rock Snail

Time:20 min Difficulty:Easy  

Don’t be slow in creating your very own snail. We know you’ll think this craft totally rocks!

Here’s what you need:

  • 2 pipe cleaners
  • A rock
  • Acrylic paint (as many colours as you want)
  • A paint dish
  • Glue
  • 2 googly eyes

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1: Pour some paint into your paint dish. If you’re using more than one colour, they can touch but be careful not to mix them!

Step 2: Roll your rock in the dish until it’s completely covered in paint. Set it aside to dry.

Step 3: Roll up one end of each pipe cleaner and glue on a googly eye. Next, twist the other end of the pipe cleaners together.

Step 4: When the paint on your rock is dry, glue the twisted end of the pipe cleaners to the bottom of your rock. Bend the upper part of the pipe cleaners so the eyes are looking up.

That’s it! Say “shello” to your new rainbow rock snail!

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