Pizza Fox

Pizza Fox

Time:20 min Difficulty:Medium  

A tail you, I saw a fox! Not any old fox, not even a sly or swift fox. A pizza fox!

Here’s what you need:

  • Pizza dough
  • Marinara sauce (or another pizza sauce of your choice)
  • Cheese (mozzarella or cheddar)
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Olives
  • Basil leaves
  • Salami slices
  • Rolling pin
  • Cooking board
  • Flour
  • An adult to help with baking

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1: Sprinkle your cooking board and rolling pin with flour. This will make it easier to avoid sticky dough.

Cut your dough into several small balls. Roll/stretch/press it out until it’s flat and round.

Step 2: Ask an adult for help to preheat the oven to 450°F. While waiting lay your fox pizzas on a tray.

While your oven is warming up, spread some sauce over your dough. Thinly slice your cheese, and add them over top.

Step 3: Take two basil leaves and lay them on the edge of your pizza to make two ears. Add a salami slice to make the fox’s snout.

Step 4: Slice your olives and tomatoes in half. Place an olive on your salami slice to give your fox an adorable little nose. Add two cherry tomatoes for eyes.

Step 5: When it is ready, put your pizza in the oven and bake for 12-20 minutes, until the sides have begun to brown.

Once done, let your pizzas cool for 5ish mins, then you should be ready to dig in!

You’ve got a pizza fox that has more pizzazz than any normal pizza (or fox)! Enjoy~

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