Find a Tree Game

Find a Tree Game

Time:15 min Difficulty:Medium  

It’s pretty easy to tell two trees apart, but can you do it with your eyes closed? Play a round of this TREEriffic game and find out!

About the game:

  • Number of players: an even number (it will be played in pairs)
  • Location: somewhere with lots of trees
  • Materials: a timer and a blindfold (optional)

Here’s how you play:

Step 1: Pair up. Choose one person to be the finder and the other person to be the guide.

Step 2: The finder should close their eyes or cover them with a blindfold. They will keep them covered for the next 3 steps.

Step 3: The guide spins the finder around and then leads them to a tree. TIP: To make it more challenging, the guide can add fake turns along the way.

Step 4: The finder has 30 seconds to feel around the tree. They should try to find things that make the tree stand out so they know what to look for later.

Step 5: The guide leads the finder back to the starting point and spins them around.

Step 6: Now the finder has to find that same tree but with their eyes open. Use a timer to record how long it takes. TIP: If the finder gets stuck, the guide can give them hints to help.

Step 7: Once the finder has found the tree, they should do a happy dance. Then it’s time to switch roles and do it again. The player who finds the tree the fastest is the winner.

Heads Up, Earth Ranger: Don't share any personal details in your comments (like your last name, school name, or even age). The Earth Rangers team checks all comments to keep it safe and fun for everyone!


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun.I’m going to try it as soon as I can.can you believe that Christmas is coming so soon!Merry Christmas!

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