Caribou Quesadillas

Time:20 min Difficulty:Medium  

Transform your leftover veggies into these super cute caribou quesadillas!

Here’s what you need:

  • 2 tortilla wraps
  • A handful of grated cheese
  • Leftover vegetables and protein
  • 3 cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 12 black olive slices
  • 12 pretzels

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1:

With an adult to help, place the first tortilla in a lightly oiled frying pan. Add the cheese and your chosen fillings, then place the second tortilla on top.

Tip: You can make a smaller portion by using one tortilla and folding it in half.

Step 2:

After a few minutes on medium heat, once the base is golden and crisp, give it a flip! Place a plate on top of the pan, flip it upside down, then carefully slide the quesadilla back in the pan so the other side to crisp up.

Step 3:

Once your quesadilla is cooked through, slide it onto a cutting board or a plate for serving, and cut it into 6 wedges. 

Step 4:

Time to decorate! Make the noses and place them on the tip of each wedge. Next, make the eyes and place them in the middle. Lastly, pop on a couple of pretzels (or pretzel pieces if they are too big) on each wedge for the antlers.

TIP: We used half of a cherry tomato for the nose, and bits of green pepper for the eyes. 

There you have it! Bon appétit!

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