Build a Bug Hotel!

Build a Bug Hotel!

Time:20 mins Difficulty:Easy  

Want a way to help bugs out in their every day lives? Try making them a bug hotel! This one is small, and easy!

Here’s what you need:

  • A large plastic bottle
  • Natural materials like bark, moss, pine cones, and small sticks
  • String or garden twine for hanging
  • Scissors
  • A grownup’s help

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1: With a grownup’s help, cut the top and bottom off of the plastic bottle. Then cut the bottle in half so that you have two cylinders.

Step 2: Thread string or twine through each cylinder, then tie the ends together on the outside to make a loop.

Step 3: Layer the inside of each cylinder with your materials. Make sure your hotels are stuffed tightly so nothing will fall out.

Step 4: Time to hang up your hotels! Try hanging one in a tree and one low to the ground — see if they attract different creatures!

Ready to take your bug visits to the next level? Snap some awesome pictures of those who visit your bug hotel for the “Backyard Biologist” contest! Remember, the more creative and descriptive your submission is, the more points you’ll earn! Good luck!

The Backyard Biologist Mission and Contest is generously supported by:

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