You’ve probably heard of a crab apple, but have you heard of an apple crab? We’ll show you how to make one!
Here’s what you need:
- An apple
- 2 raisins (or some pretzel or carrot pieces)
- Help from an adult
Here’s how you make it:
Step 1: Cut your apple into thirds.
Step 2: Let’s start with your crab’s feet! Take 1 of the end pieces and slice it into thin wedges.
Step 3: Take the middle part of your apple and cut it into 3 new chunks. You’ll use the 2 outside pieces for your crab’s claws, but you won’t need the core.
Step 4: Remove 2 triangles from the 2 outside pieces you just cut.
Step 5: Arrange the feet and claws into a little crabby base.
Step 6: Put the final piece of apple on top of the legs and claws.
Step 7: Finally, give your crab some eyes! Cut little holes at the top of your crab’s head and push your raisins in.
That was fun I did it with my brother and he is a earth ranger too!
Loooooooooooooooooooooove I llllllllloooooooooovvvvvveeeeee the idea.
I am going to try this recipe
Soooooooo yummy and cute
I am going to make this my self
I am going to mack this when I get home from school.q
I made the crab made out of an apple and it tasted delicious
I’m going to make it:D