We’re feeling the effects of climate change around the world but the specific way you will be affected depends on where you live. Some areas might get more rain, while others might be more likely to experience drought.
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In Canada, we could see…
An area is in a drought when it gets less rain than normal over a long period of time (weeks, months, or even years). It can leave people and animals in the area without much food to eat or water to drink.
What can we do to deal with drought?
– Collect rainwater with a rain barrel and use it to water your plants. Make sure you put a screen on top of it so insects like mosquitoes can’t use it to lay their eggs.
– Conserve water at home by fixing leaky pipes and taking shorter showers.
– Plant drought-resistant plants in your garden.
Wildfires are just that: wild fires. They are usually started by lightning or sometimes accidentally by humans, and can burn uncontrollably. They spread quickly and can cause damage to property and even lead to death.
What can we do to deal with wildfires?
– Check to see if there is a fire ban in your area before starting a campfire.
– Make sure your campfire is completely out before you leave.
– Rake your lawn to remove any dry leaves or grass that could fuel a fire.
An invasive species is an animal, plant or fungus that is introduced to a new ecosystem and outcompetes with the native species, making it harder for them to find food or habitat. As the climate changes, many animals are able to survive farther north than before, allowing invasive species to spread to even more ecosystems.
What can we do to deal with invasive species?
– Don’t release any of your pets into the wild
– Make sure to clean your gear after going on a hike, especially if you are traveling to a different country. Who knows what seeds could be hitching a ride!
– Check your boat for any invasive mussels that might have become attached, and be careful where you empty your ballast water – you might have picked up an invasive species!
– If you see an invasive species, tell someone and ask them to report it to your provincial or territorial species council (or government ministry). Your province or territory may also be part of a larger reporting system like EDDMaps or iMapInvasives.
A flood happens when there is too much water in an area that can’t drain properly. This flow of water can happen gradually or really fast (this is called a “flash flood”), and it can be extremely dangerous, causing damage to property and crops or even loss of life.
What can we do to deal with flooding?
– Make sure your gutters, storm drains and downspouts aren’t blocked by any leaves and other debris so that water has somewhere to drain.
– Build a rain garden. This specially designed garden helps soak up extra water coming from your downspout, and can be habitat for insects and birds.
Insects are spreading northward because of the warmer temperatures we’re experiencing. Not only will this mean more mosquitoes and ticks in climates where they never used to exist, but also more of the diseases and illnesses they carry with them.
What can we do to deal with disease-carrying insects?
– Check and repair mosquito screens and use insect repellent to avoid getting bitten
– Mosquitoes breed in standing water (anything that isn’t flowing), so dump your buckets, clear out your gutters and get rid of any water that collects for more than a few days.
Smog is a harmful thick yellow or black fog that’s formed when the air pollutants from burning fuels are mixed with high temperatures and sunshine. We’re likely to see more smog as temperatures rise in the future.
What can we do to deal with smog?
– Improve your indoor air quality with plants that clean the air, like spider plants.
– Help cut down on air pollution by using public transit, walking, or riding your bike instead of taking a car.
A heat wave is a period of time when an area has higher than normal temperatures. It can cause heat stroke, kill crops, and lead to power outages from too many people using their air conditioning at the same time.
What can we do to deal with heat waves?
– Plant a tree outside to provide shade.
– Cool down your home by keeping your lights off and blinds closed during the day.
Can you think of some other tips that will help us adapt to the effects of climate change?
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poor animals
We are excited to do what we can to help the bunnies.
I’m going to plant some trees this spring
i feel bad for the earth.WHAT HAVE WE DONE TO OUR PERFECT PLANET??
not good at all . i cant believe humans caused this
Dang! That’s bad! I accepted a mission to help. I’m upset about this, and I’m going to fight it. I’m working on an Oral Presentation about it already. I’m brainstorming it.
you got the power!!
me too!
Poor animals I want to help them as much as I can.
I feel the same allycatmagic.
That’s bad!