Would You Rather

Would you Rather #43

Would you rather smell like… A skunk or some stinkweed? Tell...

Would you Rather #42

Would you rather gather honey with a bear or acorns with a squirrel? Cast your vote!

Would you Rather #41

Would you rather smell a flower or a forest? Cast your vote!

Would you Rather #40

Would you rather be able to twist your head like an owl or bend your arms like an octopus? Cast your vote!

Would you Rather #39

Would you rather stand tall like a tree or climb like an ivy? Cast your vote!

Would you Rather #38

Would you rather show off your colors like a peacock or camouflage like a chameleon? Cast your vote!

Would you Rather #37

Would you rather burrow underground like a mole or nest in a tree like a squirrel? Cast your vote!

Would you Rather #36

Would you rather have a conversation with an orca or a parrot? Cast your vote!

Would you Rather #35

Would you rather pick at bones like a vulture or suck up bugs like an anteater? Cast your vote!

Would you Rather #34

Would you rather run into a hissing snake or a harry spider? Cast your vote!