
Check out what our amazing ER Teens community has accomplished!

How Loud Can You Howl? An Adventure with Karl-Antoine...

Hi! My name is Karl-Antoine Hogue, and I work with the Vuntut Gwitchin...

Which New Animal Will You Adopt?

Today we’re launching ten brand new adoptable animals! When you adopt an animal...

Did You Adopt a Swift Fox This Year? Here’s...

Hi, I'm Peter Soroye! I work at the Wildlife Conservation Society of Canada,...

Did You Adopt a Moose, River Otter, or Eastern...

Did you adopt a moose, river otter, or Eastern wolf this past year?...

Did You Adopt A Polar Bear This Year? Here’s...

Hi, I'm Nick Paroshy! I study polar bears at the University of Alberta....

Calling All Swifties! Chasing the Swift Fox with Peter...

Hi, I'm Peter Soroye! I work for Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Canada, and...

UnBEARably Exciting! An Arctic Adventure in the Beaufort Sea...

Hi! My name is Nick Paroshy. I study polar bears at the University...

Can you wolf-igure out what’s true or false: Reveal

Are you a myth-busting super ranger? Were you able to wolf-igure out...

Can you wolf-igure out what’s true or false?

Have you heard of the big bad wolf? Ever been told stories about...

Earth Rangers, You Squashed the Gross Out Challenge!

Congratulations, Earth Rangers! You’ve successfully out-slimed and out-grimed the Gross Out Challenge! Together,...