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All aboard the beluga express!

Hop aboard L’Alliance, Parks Canada’s Marine Park science boat, and take a cruise on the St. Lawrence River to learn more about how the team is protecting the incredible beluga whale!

What’s Really Scary About Bats

Bats aren’t so scary but what’s happening to them is. Learn what’s threatening these flying mammals.

What Kind of Bat Are You?

Take this quiz to see which bat species you are most like!

Protecting Caribou in Torngat Mountains National...

Solving the mystery of the missing caribou won’t be easy and it will take a team of animal saving heroes to get to the bottom of it!

Happy Halloween!

Have fun and stay safe everyone, and remember to help protect bats while you are trick-or-treating!

What’s Threatening Bees?

Find out what's putting these pollinators at risk.

Grasslands National Park and the Swift...

Earth Rangers aren’t the only friends of the swift fox; the folks at Parks Canada are also helping to protect this incredible animal

Top Ten Reasons Earth Month is...

Here are ten of the biggest threats that are causing animal populations to decline

Top Ten Cutest African Animal Babies

There are lots of amazing species that live at Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, like the adorable animal babies featured in this top ten!

American Eels and Their Ladders

Find out how these slippery snake like fish get a little help migrating upstream