
Check out what our amazing ER Teens community has accomplished!

Top 10 Candies That Come From Plants

While you are enjoying your Valentine’s Day treats or Halloween sweets, do you ever wonder where that candy you are eating comes from?

Ten of the World’s Most Invasive Species

An invasive species might look harmless but if not controlled it can take down an entire ecosystem. In this top ten, we take a look at ten of the world's most invasive species.

How Many Different Types of Trees Live in the...

Take a guess how many tree species are in the Amazon then find out from tree experts that have been busy counting

Top Ten Spooky Plants

Dive into Halloween with a list of scary plants, from the Devil's Claw and Ghost Plant to Witch-Hazel and Dracula Orchids this top ten is sure to leave you spooked!

Top Ten Oddest Looking Plants

Take a look at this count down of crazy looking plants to see the Velvet Bean's funky pods and even the Jackal Food's smelly flower.

Top Ten Weird Plant Names

Ever heard of a Sneezewort, or a Monkey Puzzle Tree? We've got a whole list of wonky plants and the inside scoop on where they got their funny names!

Coastal mangrove forests store more carbon than almost any...

What does a coastal forest have to do with climate change?

The Ferocious Bladderwort Plant!

Meet a carnivorous plant faster then the Venus flytrap bladderwort plant

Talkin’ Like a Plant

Find out how plants communicate with their neighborslandscape sagebrush

Saving Plants

How many plants are at risk of extinction?