OMG Animals

Deafening Bats

Bats may be small, but what they lack in size, they make up for in sound.

Traveling Jaguars

These carnivores roam far and wide.

Cockroach Brain Juice

Cockroaches never get a warm welcome, but in the future, you may want to thank them. Find out what cockroaches can do for you.

Sociable weavers build nests that can...

Check out the sociable weavers' nests, or maybe bird mansion is more appropriate!

Coral reefs have been on the...

You will never guess how long coral reefs have been around!

Komodo dragons can run up to...

Komodo dragons may not look fast, but it can run faster than most humans during short bursts.

The Star-nosed mole takes less than...

The Star-nosed Mole is one of the fastest eater. Find out just how fast it can eat.

The Dung Beetle can pull 1,141...

Can you imagine pulling 1,141 times your own weight? That is just what this beetle can do. Find out which beetle we're talking about.

Galapagos tortoises are one of the...

Tortoises have some of the longest lifespans in the world. Check out how old one Galapagos tortoise lived to be.

The Pebble Toad can curl up...

The Pebble toad  (Oreophrynella nigra) of Venezuela moves slowly,...