OMG Plants

Check out what our amazing ER Teens community has accomplished!

Aliens are Invading! The state of Invasive Species in...

Some invasive species may look pretty, like the purple loosestrife, but they are actually very harmful for species around them.

The Boreal Forest and its Birds

The Boreal forest plays an important role in the lives of many North American birds, especially during migration.

Insects and the Boreal Forest

We are taking a magnifying glass to the boreal forest. You might be surprised by the number of insects that call this place home.

Ancient Trees

These plants are some of the oldest on the evolutionary scale!

Healing Power of Plants

Say thanks to the plants that help keep us healthy.

Forests Filtering Water

Mother nature is busy keeping the world clean!

Sunshine and heat determine the brightness of fall leaves

You will never guess what causes leaves to change colours in the fall. Find out here!

Bamboo can grow 4 feet every 24 hours

If you thought your growth spurts caused you to grow quickly, take a look at this plant!

The Double coconut palm produces seeds that way 30kg

The world's largest plant seed belongs to the Double Coconut Palm. Check out how big it is!

Rainforest are home to 50% of the world’s species...

Rainforests are home to 50% of the world's species and only covers 2% of the surface of the earth.