OMG! Facts

Seashell Strength

what do bricks and seashells have in common? seashell strength

Aye-aye Captain!

How does the aye-aye's funny looks help them find food? aye aye

Tiny Blue Penguin Fairy

Meet the smallest bird sporting the tuxedo look fairy penguin blue Eudyptula mino

Curvy Sea Horse

Why does this fish have such a funny shape? sea horse

Sounding like a Gibbon

It's not just what you say but how you say it! gibbon

Gecko Disguises

Help us try and track down the leaf-tailed gecko leaf gecko Madagascar

Ontario’s Incredible Dragonflies

We are taking a closer look at these winged wonders eastern meadowhawk dragonfly

A Fish Out of Water

The African Lung Fish doesn't need to hold its breath African lung fish

Teethy Armadillo

And you thought your dentist visits were long giant armadillo

Taking BIG bites

We all know that sharks are expert hunters but did you know they are also good biters?