OMG! Facts

An Aardvark’s Tongue

Meet the termite extractor!

A Wild Cat in Disguise

The Margay are sneaky hunters.

Retired Ant

Leaf-cutter ants have sharp mandibles that they use to...

Hungry Hungry Plant

Carnivorous, or meat-eating, plants mean business when it comes...

Octopus Decorations

The Common Octopus (Octopus vulgaris) likes to put a...

Why are Leopards Spotted?

See why wild cats have such fancy fur.

Moose are Amazing Swimmers

It may not look like a very good swimmer, but the moose will actually dive under water to look for food.

Walking on Ice like a Polar...

Ever wonder have Polar Bears don't slip on ice? The answer has to do with the design of their paws.

A Freezing Cold Frog

See how researchers are learning from frog cells.

Secret Seal Lair

The ringed seal (Pusa hispida) is a secretive animal....