Fun Stuff

Pixel Puzzler Special Edition: The...

We've gotten tons of great guesses on Part 1...

Can you decode this secret message?

Use the decoder key to figure out the secret message!

Would You Rather #9

Have teeth like a hippo or horns like a rhino? Cast your vote!

Pixel Puzzler Special Edition: Part 1

We've got a special Pixel Puzzler for you this...

Pixel Puzzler #13: The Great Reveal

We've gotten tons of great guesses on Part 1...

Would You Rather #8

In honour of International Day of Forests, would...

Pixel Puzzler #13: Guess the Animal,...

Let's put your animal identification skills to the test!...

This Quiz ShamROCKS

You can spot shamrocks everywhere on St. Patrick's Day...

Would You Rather? #7

Swim with river dolphins in the Amazon River or humpback whales in the St. Lawrence River? Cast your vote!

Pixel Puzzler #12: The Great Reveal

We've gotten tons of great guesses on Part 1...