
Check out what our amazing ER Teens community has accomplished!

Eco-Activity: Go Winter Bird Watching!

Have you ever heard the sound of birds chirping in the winter? We...

Eco-Activity: Explore the Wild Wire Blog!

Did you know that giraffes sleep for just 30 minutes a day, or...

Eco-Activity: Have fun with this a-MOOSE-ing quiz!

What do you call a moose that plays piano? (see bottom of page for...

Eco-Activity: My New Year’s Resolution to Save the Planet

It’s a new year and do you know what that means? It’s time...

Eco-Activity: Snowflake identifier

While watching it blow past your window, it can be very easy...

Eco-Activity: Try the top 5 Eco-Activities of 2021!

Can you believe that we’ve done almost 100 Eco-Activities this year? That’s pretty...

Eco-Activity: Twiggy the Reindeer

You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and...

Eco-Activity: Make your own river otter comic strip!

What do you think animals say to each other when we’re not around?...

Eco-Activity: What goes into our water?

You probably know that oil spills are bad for the environment, but do...

Eco-Activity: Unscramble this Grizzly Bear Puzzle!

We need your help! As we were writing this Eco-Activity about grizzly bears,...