
Eco-Activity: Butterfly snack shop

We Canadians are known for our kindness and hospitality,...

Eco-Activity: Kitchen scrap crops

Did you know you can use your kitchen scraps...

Eco-Activity: The Great Migration

Do you love going to the beach? So do...

Eco-Activity: Super stick door signs

Has your family been eating lots of popsicles this...

Eco-Activity: Playful polymers

Calling all the little chemists! We’ve got special interactive...

Eco-Activity: Become a locavore!

Today, we’re challenging you to shrink your family’s farm-to-table...

Eco-Activity: Get around greener with your...

Cars are super convenient, but this easy travel comes...

Eco-Activity: Timed trash pickup

Brother vs sister… neighbour vs neighbour… bestie vs bestie…...

Eco-activity: Bee’s knees bumblebee nest

Today is World Nature Conservation Day, and to celebrate...

Eco-Activity: Wind-powered DIY decor

Renewable energy is also known as “clean energy” or...