Amphibians and Reptiles

Check out what our amazing ER Teens community has accomplished!

Flying Vampire Frog

The Flying Vampire Frog may get its name from the mythical creature, but they are not very similar. They only have fangs in common.

Diving Turtles

With the help of water-proof trackers, scientists understand how Leatherback Turtles are able to swim to the deep depths of the ocean.

A Climbing Boa Constrictor

When you imagine a snake you may not think of looking up...boa constrictor tree

Turtle food

What does this reptile like to snack on?

Regrowing a Newt

The eastern Spotted Newt has the ability to regrow tissue. Its can come in handy for such a small animal.

Amphibians at Risk

Species that are most in need of a little TLC.

The world’s smallest frog lives in Borneo and is...

As part of an initiative to find lost frogs, scientists have found the world's smallest frog in Borneo. Find out just how small it is.