Amphibians and Reptiles

Check out what our amazing ER Teens community has accomplished!

Salamander VS Gecko – The Ultimate Showdown!

Salamander or Gecko, who would win in an Ultimate Showdown?

A Freezing Cold Frog

See how researchers are learning from frog cells.

Life Cycle of a Frog

Have you ever wondered how a tadpole turns into frog? It's called metamorphosis! We've broken it down so you can see how this amazing process works.

Meet a real-life water monster!

Dragons, gremlins, Bigfoot, trolls and… Mexican salamanders? Let’s take a closer look at the axolotl, a salamander with some wacky supernatural powers!

Top Ten Facts about Turtle Shells

Time to tally up turtle trivia in this top ten filled with the latest shell styles

Top Ten Awesome Facts About Frogs

Frogs are awesome but there is so much you might not know about them. We've collected some of our favourite little-known frog facts in this top ten!

What’s the Difference Between Frogs and Toads?

Can you tell the difference between a frog and a toad? We've collected some hints to help you tell them apart.

What’s So Great About Frogs?

Frogs are incredibly important to their ecosystem. In this article, we discuss why it's crucial that we protect them.

Sticky Gecko Feet

Things get pretty sticky as we look closely at how a gecko can hang upside down from one foot!

Press Play and Watch Avery’s Turtle Adventure

See this Super Ranger in action as he works to save the turtles