Recycle Your Batteries, Canada!
Battery Blitz School Mission Contest

Did you know that properly recycling your batteries can help protect wildlife?

Batteries contain toxic materials that can harm the environment if they end up in landfill. That’s why it’s important to properly recycle your batteries!

When you collect batteries at your school, you’re keeping them out of landfills and protecting wildlife.

You’re also helping to recover valuable materials that can be re-used to make new products, like new batteries, golf clubs, and the stainless steel pots and pans! The possibilities are endless.

Last year, the Recycle Your Batteries, Canada! program collected and recycled over 4 million kg of batteries. That’s about the weight of 500 African elephants!

Participate in the Battery Blitz School Mission and do your part to recycle batteries!

From Sept 30, 2024 to October 31, 2024, Earth Rangers and Recycle Your Batteries, Canada! are running Battery Blitz School Mission contests, in Manitoba, Ontario and Saskatchewan.

Elementary schools will compete with other schools within their province, for a chance to win amazing cash prizes!

Your School Mission is to recycle as many used batteries as you can by encouraging students, parents, staff, and community members to bring them into your school and place them in the Recycle Your Batteries, Canada! collection boxes.

Here’s How it Works:

  • The Battery Blitz School Mission Contest will kick off on Monday, Sept 30, 2024 to October 31, 2024
  • Participating schools will receive a Free Earth Rangers School Assembly
  • Battery collection boxes will be sent to your school, and students will be asked to bring in their used batteries
  • Each school will receive 20 collection boxes in total to start. To order more boxes please contact Brenda Reid at
  • Single-use and rechargeable batteries weighing less than 5kg can be brought in to be recycled, including those found in:
    • Power tools
    • Video game consoles
    • Digital and video cameras
    • Watches (with the exception of wet-cell batteries)
  • For safety reasons, we ask that you please place batteries in a clear plastic bag or cover battery terminals with tape (electrical/duct/packing) before bringing them to school. Some types of batteries can spark when their terminals touch metal or other batteries. Please refer to the Recycle Your Batteries, Canada website for more info!
  • After your period of battery collection is completed, your school must call Purolator at 1-888-744-7123 to have your battery collection boxes picked up
  • All batteries will be collected and weighed and winning schools will be announced in June.

Prince Edward Island Prizes

1st Place:

$3,000 cash prize
for the school

2nd Place:

$2,000 cash prize
for the school

3rd Place:

$1,000 cash prize
for the school

Plus, any school that exceeds 750 kg will receive a $150 bonus for a pizza party!

Ontario Prizes

1st Place:

$5,000 cash prize for the school

2nd Place:

$2,500 cash prize for the school

3rd-7th Place:

$500 cash prize for the school

Per Capita” Prize:

Winner of “Per Capita” prize in Ontario for most kg per student.

Plus, any school that exceeds 750 kg will receive a $250 bonus for a pizza party!

British Columbia Prizes

1st Place:

$3,000 cash prize for the school

2nd Place:

$2,000 cash prize for the school

3rd Place:

$1,000 cash prize for the school

Plus, any school that exceeds 750 kg will receive a $150 bonus for a pizza party!

Historical Contest Winners