Skipper and the Snag

Look up. I’m over here!

Hiya! The name’s Skipper. Come closer, there’s something I have to “tail” you! You see this big tree I’m on? It’s my everything!

Sounds nuts, right? Would you believe me if I said that without it and other trees, we wouldn’t be able to breathe? Don’t tell the others, but I also use it as a house and a place to get food!

My tree’s got an older brother it would like you to meet. It’s a snag! Strange name, right? What even is that?!

Snags are dead or dying trees that are still standing! Don’t be sad. My tree’s brother had a long and happy life, and this is far from the end! Snags are still super important to a forest. Let me tell you all about it

Why are snags important?

As Food
Living in the forest, I hear a lot, and animals are raving about the snag buffet! Birds sing all about the delicious bugs they find. Insects love to tell me that the wood is very filling. If you’re lucky, you can even find moss and mushrooms. Yum!

I also have a secret of my own…sometimes I hide my food in a snag’s hollow! If you find any berries in there, hands off! They’re mine!

As a Home
Snags are great homes for animals of all shapes and sizes. In fact, my parents live in one! When I visit, I’m greeted by all of the animals that live in their snag neighbourhood. I love hanging out with the owls, ants, raccoons, bats, and more. I’ve heard that even big animals, like lynx and bears, sometimes live in snags. I think I’ll pass on meeting them though!

As a Watchtower
Want to get a good view of the area around you? Head to the top of a snag! They are perfect for animals, especially birds, to spot predators or prey. Um…it’s a good thing snags have great hiding spots too!

Both living trees and snags are really important for animals. They give them places to live, materials to build with, things to eat, and protection from predators. Even planting Just 1 Tree can make a huge difference.

Look for Just 1 Tree in the Mission section in the app!

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  1. We all ready have lots of plants on our back porch and we are growing potatoes. And they are almost ready to harvest . We could plant the trees in them and last night I asked my mom if we could send a seed to a friend

  2. This information about snags and berries and stuff are great! It’s surprising that snags stay still when it dies!

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