Platypus Scramble
Time:10 min
Let’s get ready to unscramble! See if you can figure out the words in this platy-puzzle.
Here’s how to play:
- Read the paragraph below and use it to unscramble the words.
When it comes to weird animals, no one beats the platypus. They have a bill like a duck, a tail like a beaver’s, and webbed feet. They live in Australia and have some cool superpowers. They use electric signals underwater while hunting to find their prey. When they’re under attack, they use the venomous spurs on their back legs to defend themselves. To top it all off, they also lay eggs! What interesting creatures!
Platypus electric eggs super underwater
SPOILER ALERT Platypus, electric, eggs, spurs, underwater.
Platypus , electric , eggs , spurs , underwater.
The first time you were able and you
Had to go through a whole bunch and get
I got them all right!
Yes you’re Fun
This is fun
Electric, Platypus,Eggs,Spurs, and Underwater
Whoohoo first try
Don’t spoil it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!