Painted Dog Scramble

These aren’t scrambled eggs. They’re scrambled words! Can you unscramble them?
Here’s how to play:
- Read the paragraph below and use it to unscramble the words.
Have you ever heard of an African wild dog? They’re also called painted dogs because of their coat. Doesn’t it look like they’ve been splashed with paint? These dogs live in African savannas and are great hunters. By working as a team, they can take down animals much bigger than them. Gazelles, wildebeest, and even zebras better watch out!
I got 3 right and I’m happy that I got half of it right with my hard work I can do anything!
Idk where the scrambled words are
I did it!!!
You gotta press the scrambled puzzle and then it will tell you if you are right
I got all of them but the wildeebeast
Let’s Go 5/5.
I did it 6/6
I got all of them correct but the only one that was hard was the one that said painted!!
6/6 🙂