Flyby the spider

Flyby the spider

Time:30 min Difficulty:Easy  

Did you know spiders have poor eyesight? They are able to “see” by “feeling” vibrations around them. Go grab your friends! Lets play a game based on their skills!

About the game:

  • Objective: A game of tag with a twist! One person, the “spider”, is blindfolded and calls out to the “flies” to let them cross the room. The winner.
  • Players: 3 or more

Here’s what you need:

  • A blindfold
  • Friends or family members
  • Somewhere outside to play

Here’s how you do it:

Step 1:

Start by picking one person to be blindfolded. This person is the spider and everyone else is a fly.

TIP: The spider can’t see, so be sure to pick a spot where they can’t run into anything!

Step 2:

The spider stands in the middle of your chosen area, while the flies all go to one side.

Step 3:

When they’re ready, the spider should call out “Oh flies, oh flies, it’s time to fly on by!”. After this, the flies should walk slowly to the other side of the play space.

Step 4:

The spider, listening closely for the sound of flies, should stand still until they’re ready to try and tag one. When they’re ready to move they should shout “SPIDER STRIKE!”.

At this point, the flies can run to the other side.

TIP: Be careful not to trip! Keep touches light and don’t run so fast you’ll get hurt!

Step 5:

If a fly is tagged by the spider, they become the “spider’s web”. They become an obstacle for the flies and should stand still in the field and try to touch any fly who passes by without moving your feet.

The last fly left is the winner! They become the spider in the next round.

What did you think of the flyby the spider game? Let us know in the comments!

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