Litter Cleanup

Huh… it seems like there’s a lot of trash lying around…

Plan a litter cleanup to green-up your neighbourhood! You can work alone or as a team, and ask friends, family, and neighbours to sponsor your cleanup. You’ll be helping your project animal and the animals in your neighbourhood at the same time!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Garbage and recycling bags
  • Gloves
  • Garbage grabbers or tongs
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Proper footwear, like boots or sneakers
  • Parents/other adults

Plan your cleanup:

  • Decide how you want to run your litter cleanup. You could ask to turn your family’s daily walk into a trash-picking mission, or pick a date when the whole neighbourhood can participate!
  • Design a poster you can put up around the neighbourhood to promote your cleanup and encourage lots of helping hands to come out and join you!
  • Once you’re done, make sure you get rid of your trash properly.
  • Step back and admire your amazing work! Don’t forget to post pictures on your campaign page.

Litter Cleanups can be fun!
Check out our creative corners for inspiration, or join one of our missions to earn rewards.