Bye Bye Bug Candles

Bye Bye Bug Candles

Time:30 min Difficulty:Medium  

There’s nothing better than a summer evening outside until you hear that pesky buzzing and suddenly you get bit! Save your campfires, family dinners, and sunset-watching with these DIY floating citronella candles!

Fill your jars in this order:

Fresh herbs

Rosemary, basil, thyme, and lavender work well.


Fill it up to an inch below the lid rings and leave enough space for your candle.


10-20 drops of essential oil (depending on the size of your jar). A mix of citronella and lemongrass works great!

1 lime wedge and 2 lemon slices

The fruit and the citrus oils are great as natural bug repellent!

Floating candle

A tea light candle works perfectly for this DIY!

That’s it! These will last about 3-4 days before the herbs and citrus need replacing. That means they’ll last for the entire weekend!

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  1. Those look fun to try! And begone with the stinky yucky bug spray maybe! (Because that stuff sounds so bad on the label ) these sound way better!

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