DIY Plant Pots

DIY Plant Pots

Time:60min+ (wait time: 4 days) Difficulty:Hard  

Let’s show those houseplants some extra love with a unique papier-mâché plant home!

Here’s what you need:

  • Plastic containers
  • Glue
  • Water
  • Recycled paper scraps (old magazines, newspapers, mailers, or seasonal cards)

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1:

Begin by ripping your scrap paper into pieces.

Step 2:

Mix your glue with a little water in a wide dish until it gets a bit runny.

Step 3:

This is where things get a little messy! Dip each scrap piece into the glue until coated and put it onto the bottom of your container. Smooth them out with your fingers. Make sure your pieces overlap and the whole container is covered.

Step 4:

Keep adding pieces until you have 2 to 3 layers. This will help your pot stay strong.

TIP: Feel free to make this craft layer by layer over a few days (just don’t forget to cover your unused glue dish so it doesn’t dry up too!).

Step 5:

Wait for your pot to dry completely; this will usually take about 48 hours.

Step 6:

Once your creation is totally dry, flip it over, trim any loose edges, and transplant your seedlings.

What will you plant? Let us know in the comments below!

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